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Design Stage Services

Make your home more efficient with Shoreline Building Performance

Whether you’re developing a whole neighbourhood, or just want to make sure you get the details right on your forever home, Shoreline Building Performance is here to assist with a variety of consulting services to further optimize your next project. Our dedicated team of talented professionals collaborates closely with the design team to help achieve your goals as the client.

Design Stage

Our Services

Integrated Design Process Facilitation

Bringing all parties to the table early allows for a collaborative design process, identifying key opportunities for increased performance, while also flushing out potential issues before they arise. With fully accredited Integrated Design Facilitators on staff, we offer full facilitation services from the first meeting invitation to the final report package.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

When we design the building envelope and mechanical systems of a project, it's important to ensure our clients' money is used effectively. We use advanced design software and actual construction costs to help us make projects more cost-effective, whether we're looking at upfront expenses or long-term costs. This approach allows us to fine-tune each project for the best value.

Embodied Carbon Analysis

As the operational energy demands of new-construction projects become lower and lower, an increasing proportion of the GHG emissions associated with buildings are related to cradle-to-gate emissions. Being conscious of the emissions associated with things such as the manufacturing and transportation of materials is an important aspect of constructing more sustainable buildings. Through our sophisticated toolset, we can accurately quantify the emissions associated not only with the operation of the building, but also the upfront carbon cost.  
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